Our Thanksgiving Meal

I wanted to share with you the dishes we had on thanksgiving day. Luckily, I was able to make everything I had planned for the day. I give you breakfast - 'Agege' Bread. It sure looks much better than the first time I made it. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the taste. The first one … [Read more...]

Fish Stew

The other day, I went to a grocery store called 'Trader Joe'. It was a surprise to me how polite every employee there  was. It actually got to a point where I was somewhat uncomfortable with everyone greeting me (My Nigerian radar was on, people only greet you excessively when they want something). … [Read more...]

Cake Mix Cookies and some Patriotic Spaghetti

So it is Independence Day, you are chilling at home and your friend has just told you that she is coming over with her kids. Or your sister decides to drop by (unannounced!!!) for lunch. Or maybe you just want to make something different for the family since it is Independence day. I have got you … [Read more...]