My 2014 Victory and a Lovely Swiss Roll

Happy New Year.

Swiss Roll

Firstly, you absolutely have to make this Swiss Roll. It is the kind of cake you make when you don’t really have much of an appetite for something heavy, but you know you want a nice satisfying treat. It is light, it is moist and it is worth it! Don’t worry that it requires just a tablespoon of condensed milk. Buy the big 14oz tin; we would use the leftover in my next recipe.

Ok, now on to the other topic:

I was silent the past few months because I was going through a battle that I thank God I finally have victory over. I was battling Infertility. I have been battling it for 5 years now but God finally helped me overcome it in November/December. I actually don’t remember exactly when it was that the victory came, but it just came! I have so much Joy and Peace now that I don’t even understand how I have survived thus far.

I am finally free. After countless ovulation kits, Clomid sessions, thousands of vitamin supplements, 6 IVFs and numerous nights of crying myself to sleep, I am finally free. Free from the stigma I placed on myself, free from the label I thought people were putting on me, free from the shame I felt and free from the box I put myself in.

I am not yet pregnant, but I know that someday, God will do what He alone can do. I am finally enjoying my life and thanking God that He trusts me enough to allow me go through this trial, knowing that He would not give me more than I can handle. He knew I was strong enough to go through it and come out victorious and I have!

This is my story…..

When I was much younger, I always dreamt that I would get married at 26 and by the time I was 32, I would have had all my kids. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as I planned. I got married at the age of 28, two years later than I had planned. Not too bad, I thought that at least, having all my kids by age 33 was not too far from my original plan. Well,  I am now 34 yrs. old,  not yet pregnant but I thank God that I can say I have learnt so much in the time that has passed. I always prayed to God that I wanted my Joy to be Full. I always made this prayer in reference to our children bringing us joy. However, the Joy I have now is pure unadulterated Joy from God; not tied to anything.

 In my time of battle, I realized why Nobody Talks About Infertility. It is something that is so personal and unless you get to that place of true liberty and freedom, you can’t really share it with anyone. I am at that place now. And I want to share with you what was going through my mind all that while and how God helped me through it.

It was not an easy journey. I prayed for Joy for 5 years and it finally came. There were days I did not even have the strength to get out of bed to work (I guess some of my customers would now understand why some days I chose not to work). I just did not have the strength or motivation. I wanted to curl up in bed and cry all day and just ask God “Why?, Why Me?” . Well, Why Not Me? I would definitely not wish this experience on anyone. Looking back now, it is amazing how far I have come in my journey, I have been built and I am a much stronger person in Him.

 All the above being said, it’s been 6 yrs. since we have been married and 5 years since we have been actively trying to conceive. Nothing ever prepares you for the pains that ensue while trying to conceive. 

 After our wedding, we had decided to wait one year before trying to conceive, this was an agreement between my husband and I. We had also made our mothers aware of this so that there would be no pressure (we all know what that can be like). And thankfully, there was none. During this period, I was not working, so I spent most of my time cooking exotic dishes for my husband and as a result, I put on quite a bit of weight. This led to a lot of people thinking I was pregnant.

 My sister in law got married sometime during the year, I think it was at this point I realized that maybe I had put on more weight than I thought. Everyone kept congratulating me (and my mother). At first I thought it was because of the wedding, then while I was dancing, someone sent word to me that a pregnant woman should not be dancing the way I was!!! This was when I realized that they were congratulating me because they thought I was pregnant. Oh no, I was not pregnant yet; it was just my big tummy deceiving them and embarrassing me. I had to do something about this weight!

 Well, I did nothing about the weight because it was time for us to start trying for kids and I just thought that if I went through the pain of losing all this weight, I would just put it all back on when I got pregnant. In short – I was being lazy.

 And so it began, that we started trying for a beautiful baby. And we tried. And tried. And tried some more. Nothing! 6 months went by and nothing. That was when all the crazy ovulation monitoring started. I monitored my ovulation like a hawk! I was not going to miss it. Countless test kits but still no pregnancy. My friend recommended I try Clomid. That maybe I wasn’t ovulating properly (if there is such a thing). So the Clomid sessions started. With even more ovulation test kits being used, but still, nothing…

To be continued

For now, enjoy this cake!

Sponge cake
A Simple Swiss Roll

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Yield: 8-10 pieces

A Simple Swiss Roll

This cake is simple and flavorful. If you prefer, you can just layer it with the filling to make a layered sponge cake.


  • 4 Eggs – separated into egg yolks and egg whites
  • 100 grams of Flour
  • 1 tablespoon of Condensed milk
  • 80 grams of Icing sugar
  • 40 grams of Oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon of Vanilla essence
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Baking powder
  • Filling
  • Store bought Cream Cheese
  • Ground Coffee
  • OR
  • You could use Whipped Cream and Strawberries


  1. Line a 9” x 13” baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Sift together the baking powder and flour
  3. In a whisking bowl, put the egg whites. Beat the egg whites until foamy.
  4. Gradually add in the icing sugar tablespoon by tablespoon. The egg white will expand and reach the soft to hard peak in 2-3 minutes. You still want it looking glossy not dry.
  5. Add in the egg yolk one by one and follow by the condensed milk. Beat for another 3-4 minutes (make sure you time it).
  6. While it is mixing, preheat oven to 200C or 395F
  7. Stop the machine and fold the flour carefully by hand into beaten eggs.
  8. Add in the corn oil and fold in until well combined.
  9. Transfer the batter to the lined sheet pan
  10. Bake for 10-12 minutes until the top turn golden brown.
  11. Get ready another piece of baking paper or napkin and dust some icing sugar on top of it
  12. After taking out from the oven, take out from the baking tin. Use something to level the cake if necessary.
  13. Quickly turn the cake with the bottom of the cake facing you and placed the cake on top of the piece of baking paper dusted with icing sugar.. Tear off the first piece of baking paper. Take the width of the cake and roll the cake (like the way of rolling the Sushi) and make sure that the ending portion is facing downwards. Let it cool completely in this position.
  14. Filling
  15. Dissolve about a teaspoon of coffee in a table spoon of hot water.
  16. Once dissolved and cooled, mix with the store bought cream cheese frosting.
  17. Assembly
  18. Once the cake is completely cooled, open the Swiss roll and spread the frosting on the cake, roll it back and dust with additional icing sugar. Cut into 2 cm thick and Enjoy!


  1. I love you…..

  2. My darlyn sister God makes all things beautiful in HIS own time. Difficult when you’re going through trials…i’m a living testimony of God’s miracle after 2 miscarriages I have a healthy beautiful bundle of grace!!! Keep on…trust God…HE alone will do it! You are blessed more than you even know. Stay happy and positive. Love you xxx

  3. ronke onanubi says:

    Faithful is He that has promised; I trust God who makes all things beautiful in His time to bless bless you with your own children. I thank God for the joy you have, it shall be full and overflowing. In this new year the Lord will perfect your testimony.

  4. We may be frustrated at the lack of activity going on in our bodies, but we can rejoice in what is going on in our souls. “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
    i’m proud of your Faith…

  5. oluseyi leigh says:

    I am encouraged by your testimony and i am sure millions of people around the world going through this would find you as an inspiration and would be able to share you joy and pains, but i know God would bless you and your household with the cry of children in this new year. you are blessed my sister from another mother.

  6. I am so impressed and encouraged by your faith and trust in God. God bless you my cousin. A ku ku se se mo mo. My God that has done it for plenty will do it for you in his time. He is never late. Be rest assured everyone goes through one trial or the other. It is just so we can be closer to him.

  7. I just read somewhere in the book of John 9:13-16. Jesus was accused of not being God because He did not keep the Sabbath. But I asked this question: Who can ask the Owner of the Sabbath to keep the Sabbath? He does as He pleases. His name is The Creator-God. When it pleases the Creator He will give seed to you. Remember also that the difficult seeds, the seeds that came late, the seeds that tarried in the Bible are the seeds that fulfilled destiny. There must be a grand plan God is working out. Let’s be patient and see:)

  8. So proud of my cousin. You are not infertile it’s just the babies are taking long. As you have found peace and joy, your testimony will continue to encourage others. Lots of love xx

  9. I love you Moji even more after reading this post

  10. I am encouraged by your testimony. I know how easy it is to encourage someone else but you can never feel their pains during the waiting period. The Lord is your strength.


  1. […] (if you have not read the last post, please read it before you continue reading. It can be found here.) The testimony is quite long so it has been divided into a few posts. If you have any questions […]

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